Saturday, September 11, 2010

Heidi's 30th birthday!!

Today was Heidi's 30th birthday! We headed out to do a bit of geocaching this am before we were going to head off to lunch with Heidi's my parents. We did a few geocaches and made our way to Sperr Memorial Park. This park is a memorial to Andrew J Sperr a NYS trooper who lost his life on duty on March 1, 2006. The park was so beautiful and we had a such a wonderful day. After walking through the park we went and played on the swings! It felt so good to swing and feel like a kid again with not a care in the world. We then headed over to Texas Roadhouse for a nice birthday dinner with Heidi's parents. While Heidi ran off to the bathroom Jamie decided to tell our waiter that it was her birthday. At the end of our meal the waiter came over with a saddle on a sawhorse. Heidi was told she had to sit on the saddle and then the waiter announced to the restaurant that it was her birthday and everyone gave her a "YEEHAW" Boy my face must have been 10 shades of red. I told Jamie he better watch out for his next birthday because I am going to get him good!! It was an unforgettable day that no one will ever forget!!! :)