Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tennis anyone??

Well this year we finally decided to buy some new tennis rackets and get back into playing tennis. It is such a great workout and a lot of fun. We got to play for the first time today, but it was a little chilly and rainy. We are looking forward to playing a lot this spring and summer.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Finally time to BBQ!!

The weather finally warmed up and we were able to BBQ for the first time this year. Chicken kabobs on the grill..there is nothing better! They sure tasted delicious. The last two pictures are of the sky right out back of our house. It was so beautiful. It really makes you appreciate life and all there is to it!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Gretchen's first time geocaching!

Heidi's sister Gretchen finally decided to take us up on spending a day geocaching. We started the day with breakfast then headed out on our adventures. We had a great time searching for treasures. We are hoping to get out there together again soon and bring Gretchen's boyfriend Scott.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Our First Geocache Hide

Jamie had been wanting to hide a geocache of his own, so he finally did it this weekend. He found the perfect hiding spot for his cache and went with it. His cache is a 3 stage multi-cache and is pretty clever. He did a great job on it. Heidi's sister Gretchen did a test run for us before we posted it online for everyone else to find. It was neat to watch her geocache for the first time. At the bottom you will find a video of her trying to get the cache out. She was scared of the bugs. It was hilarious LOL :)_
Jamie's first stage....He woodburned the coordinates onto a stick!!! What a genius!! :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

This year we went to Heidi's parents house and had Easter dinner with all of her family. The only one unable to be there for dinner was Gretchen's boyfriend Scott. Hopefully next year we will all be together. It's always a fun time when the family gets together. Heidi's grandpa (Popeye) is a riot and always gets everyone laughing.
Popeye cracks me up in this picture LOL

We can't have a family gathering without a little kissing :)

"Bitter Beer Face"

Ooohhhh a little more kissing hahaha

Nothing like a "tit grab" when it's your grandparents hahahahha

Aww...sisterly love :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010


While in Wellsboro we decided to do a little bit of geocaching. When we go out of town we have to sneak in a least a couple of caches!! We always have a good time doing it. While out and about in Wellsboro we came across a family of geocachers. This was the first time we had ever met another geocacher. It was nice to finally meet some of the other cachers. We only got to do a couple of caches so we are going to make a return trip to Wellsboro sometime in the near future.