Monday, May 31, 2010

Party for Two

For Memorial Day, Heidi and Jamie spent the day hanging out at home. Gretchen and Scott had to work and Heidi's parents were still camping in Canton. We decided to make chicken speidies, corn on the cob and macaroni salad. What a wonderful day spent together! :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hypocrite Trail

While we were in Canton today, Heidi's grandpa wanted to take us on a hike on the Hypocrite Trail and show us the little graveyard he found while out hiking the woods one day. It was a beautiful day with beautiful weather so the 5 of us headed out (Heidi, Jamie, Fred, Memo, and Popeye.) We took our time and walked around and found the graveyard. There were only about 4 or 5 headstones out there. It looks to be a family that was buried together back in the late 1800's. We don't think too many people know about this cemetery, but there was a newly placed flag on one of the tombstones, so at least one other person knows about it.

In the back of the car, heading off to the trail :)

Heidi at the beginning of the trail

Jamie climbed this tree we found while out hiking. I think it makes a great picture!

Dad, Popeye, Heidi, Memo---I love how my dad deliberately looks away from the camera LOL

One of the tombstones

Memo and Popeye at the end of the hike...Memo wanted the caption to say " I DID IT" :)

Jamie and Popeye

Memorial Weekend in Canton

This weekend for the Memorial Day holiday, Heidi's grandma asked them to come over and visit the cemeteries where Heidi's family is buried. We had a nice time visiting with everyone and sharing stories from long ago. We went to 3 cemeteries before we headed back to the campsite to have some lunch. We always have a great time when everyone is together!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Planting our Garden

Today we were finally able to plant our garden. We planted tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, strawberries, red onions and cilantro. Hopefully by the end of the summer we have all the ingredients to make a great SALSA!! :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

For Mother's Day this year we were all able to spend some time together. We all went out to dinner at a little diner called Bishop's. Scott's mom and step-dad also went with us. We then went back to Heidi's parents house and let mom open up her gift. This year we got mom a ring with our names and birthstones on it. I think it was a hit! Then after that we went out for ice cream. Jamie decided to go big and order a large ice cream and let me tell you it was a lot of ice cream. We all had a nice time together!

Wow...Heidi's dad actually looking at the camera hahaha :)

Scott's mom and step-dad Lucinda and Charlie

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Trip to Canton

Today we went over to Canton to help Heidi's grandparents (Memo and Popeye) put up a canopy for their camper. While there we went walking through the woods for a bit and had a chicken lunch. Heidi's cousin Patty Bee stopped by too. The weather was extremely windy and cool but it was nice to spend some time together.

Aunt Deb and Patty