Sunday, August 8, 2010

Heluva Good! Sour Cream Dips at the Glen

This weekend we were able to attend the Heluva Good! Sour Cream Dips at the Glen Nascar race. We had a blast. As most of you know our tickets were pickpocketed Saturday at the race track. It's pretty sad how rude and nasty people can be. Luckily we were able to get our tickets reissued and were able to attend Sunday's big event. The first few pictures are from the Nationwide race which was held on Saturday. On Sunday, we were able to have pit road access and were able to walk up and down pit road. We saw the cars, crew and all the different tools they use during a race. They allowed us to hold the checkered flag. What fun this day was. They were also letting people take rides around the track in a pace car. Next year, we are definitely going to do that!!! Although our favorite driver (#24 Jeff Gordon) didn't win the race we still had a wonderful time and look forward to going again next year. :)