Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mundrick Family Reunion 2009

August 1st was the annual Mundrick Family Reunion. It was held at County Bridge in Canton, PA. A great time was had by all who came. There was horseshoes and badmitton for the big kids and activities, like a scavenger hunt for the little kids. We also had a 50/50 raffle and an auction to help raise money for next years reunion, which will be held at Cindy and Steve Roller's house in Muncy, PA. Bill Jarrett won the raffle and took home 51.00. He donated 25 of that back for next years reunion. It is always a great time when we can all get together and hang out!! Can't wait til next year! :) Popeye being his silly self!!
Alex, Emma, Aunt Phyllis and Alyssa

Aunt Deb and Cara

Memo, Popeye, Fred

Cindy and Taylor

Kathy and Cindy

Jamie and Cara playing horseshoes (one of the favorite things to do at a Mundrick family reunion)

Joan with her funny glasses on

Kathy and Jamie playing badmitton

Jamie watching the horseshoe match

Chris and Lacy

Kathy and Rod

John and Cindy


Ali and Marvin (the auctioneer for our auction)

Memo, John, Joan


Rod, Louis, Kathy, Matt, Pami

Pami and Cindy

Taylor and Heather

Mary and Ron

Betty and Uncle Bill

Bill and Trish

Cara and Aunt Deb

Popeye and Memo (always gotta have a silly picture)

Popeye and Memo...nice picture :)

Joan and Fred

Ruby and John

Marvin, Ali, Jen, Tommy, Dylan, and Tyler

James, Brandt, Chris
Joan J.

Heidi and Jamie